Update 1.3.0

Release 3 - May 31

What's New

Autofilling Workouts

Do you have a set that was the exact same as last weeks? Maybe you like to remind yourself of the same thing every week in your notes.

If so, you no longer need to manually re-type these fields every workout. Simply swipe right on a set to bring the autofill menu up.

If you already have a number written into a field, by default the autofill will skip over that field, but you can change this behaviour in settings to make it always write over your current data.

Quick Start

You can now jump straight into an empty workout from the home page without having to create any preset.

This goes hand in hand with the next feature...

Turn Workouts Into Presets

After finishing any workout, you can now turn that exact routine into its own preset in one button.

This allows you to re-use workouts much more easily. And combined with quick-starting empty workouts, you now have much more flexibility with how you log.


1.3.0 - Release 3 - May 31, 2022
  • Features
    • Set Autofill!
      • If you want to copy the data from your previous workout's set, you can now simply slide the set to the right to reveal an autofill menu.
      • This is customizable in settings for if you want the autofill to overwrite current data or not.
    • “Quick Start” button on the homepage
      • Allows you to jump into a workout without having to create a preset.
    • “Turn Into Preset” option for past workouts.
      • Allows you to create a reusable preset from any of your past workouts instead of having to make all of your presets beforehand.