
Click on underlined entries for additional info

1.8.0 - Release 8 - November 14, 2022
  • Very small update here, but this is paving the way for a large re-write that I'm starting work on.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Clicking up/down while at either end of your schedule will now wrap around to the other end.
    • Fixed weight fields on sets with sliders having very small hitboxes.
  • Misc
    • Reordered some menus for consistency.
    • Liftris now runs on React Native 0.69.5 (nice) and React 18.
    • Small parts of the app are now written in TypeScript, and this number will grow in the future.
1.7.0 - Release 7 - June 30, 2022
  • We're back with the biggest update to Liftris since launch!
  • Features
    • Previous workouts are now editable.
      • Click on any workout in the history tab to open up it's view, then press the 'Edit' button to enter an editing menu.
      • Upon clicking save, the corresponding entries in your exercise stats will also be updated*.
      • *Due to lack of data, only exercise data entries created after the date of the update will be automatically updated.
    • Deleting a workout from history now also deletes the corresponding entries in your exercise stats.
      • Once again, only works automatically on workouts created after the date of the update.
    • Upon ending a workout, any collapsed exercises will be un-collapsed for the history entry of that workout.
      • You can change the behaviour of this with the 'Stop Uncollapsing Exercises' switch in Settings.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed crash when adding or changing an exercise mid-workout.
    • Fixed crash when attempting to change the current schedule day.
    • Schedule auto-advancing now works correctly again, this was broken in the last update.
    • Fixed text-clipping in the tutorial screen on 6.7" iPhones.
    • Image scaling on the tutorial screen now better changes with the device size/aspect ratio.
  • Misc
    • Added 'Advanced Settings' tab in the Settings menu.
      • This is for the settings that most people won't want to mess with, but that I am leaving accessible due to my desire for Liftris to be the most customizable workout app.
    • Renamed 'Highlight Color' to 'Secondary Color' in custom themes.
    • Optimized the settings page further.
      • Now only uses ~50% as much code.
    • Various typo/grammar corrections.
1.6.0 - Release 6 - June 24, 2022
  • Happy 1 month birthday to Liftris!
  • Features
    • Added tutorial/onboarding screen.
      • This will hopefully 'de-mystify' the app for some less advanced users and expand the userbase.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed crash when having schedule enabled but empty.
    • 'Total Weight Moved' Display now properly counts weight for each rep.
    • Reduced flickering on long, multi-line notes
      • It still isn't perfect, but it is a limitation with React Native and there isn't much I can do about it.
  • Misc
    • Settings menu moved to the bottom of the swipeout menu.
    • The backend code for the settings page has been rewritten, making it much more efficient.
1.5.1 - Release 5 - Patch 1 - June 16, 2022
  • With this release, I've now patched the last known crash in the app, which means that for the first time since launch, the app appears to be stable.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed crash when re-ordering supersets in a workout.
    • Renaming a routine now properly changes its name in your schedule.
    • Fixed the color picker wheel swiping shut when attempting to use it.
    • Very long routine names no longer break the schedule button.
  • Misc
    • The set-number of a set now stretches for multi-line sets.
    • Adjusted the appearance of help text for settings to make them clearer.
    • Rewrote some app dialogue to make it more self-explanatory.
    • Lots of typo fixes.
1.5.0 - Release 5 - June 15, 2022
  • Features
    • Schedules:
      • You can now set a workout schedule.
      • A schedule is an ordered list of routines that you do often in that order.
      • There is a prompt on the homepage to quickly launch into the currently planned routine.
      • Upon completing one exercise in the schedule, it will automatically move forward to the next routine.
    • 'Erase Notes' setting to delete the previous note value of a set when you add new data into the set.
      • This saves visual space if you regularly leave long notes, but is disabled by default.
    • Long notes now flow downward into their own line instead of being cramped into their small container.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Long notes flowing into new lines has fixed multiple bugs.
      • Weight input no longer gets cutoff when a note is too long.
      • Slider icon will no longer push weight input down into a new line.
    • Going from no sliders to any number of sliders now correctly displays the difference indicator.
  • Misc
    • Reuse has been renamed to Autofill
1.4.2 - Release 4 - Patch 2 - June 8, 2022
  • Another release is in the works with a new major feature, but to hold you over until then, I've squashed some bugs and made some minor changes.
    • Added past target data for sliders.
      • This will retroactively work for the past target values of your current exercises
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed crash when clicking 'Delete Superset' button on the last exercise in your workout.
    • Fixed bug where note field would unselect after writing the first character.
    • Fixed past workout exercise stats not displaying.
  • Misc
    • Target data for sliders now displays in the same way as other target data.
    • Optimized target-fetching code, will no longer run more times than neccessary.
1.4.1 - Release 4 - Patch 1 - June 4, 2022
  • Features
    • Even more performance optimizations!
      • Now in addition to the list of sets being optimized, each set's item is also memoized and will only render the specific part being changed.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed crash caused by the new optimizations involving set reuse.
    • Fixed the display of past workout targets so that they no longer get overwritten.
1.4.0 - Release 4 - June 3, 2022
  • Features
    • Your muscles are the only thing getting gains… Extreme performance gains coming too.
      • The old method of rendering the ongoing workout page meant that on every change (even something as small as writing 1 number) the entire page would be re-rendered.
      • Through caching and memoization of components, your device no longer re-renders the entire list, and only re-renders items when their own data has changed.
      • This should mean potentially 2-5x gains on performance depending on the length and complexity of your workouts.
    • Added input for choosing custom colors using hex codes.
      • This works with the built in color picker wheel, and you can choose either one.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed notes field not expanding downward when a note is barely longer than 1 line.
    • Fixed the history page displaying all workouts as “0min long” (Again… first fix didn't work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
1.3.2 - Release 3 - Patch 2 - June 1, 2022
  • This was simply a hotfix to patch up a huge error in the previous version.
  • Bug Fixes
    • The implementation of multi-set reuse caused the app to crash upon editing any superset 😅😅. Re-wrote the codebase for reuse to be much more stable.
    • Fixed bug where using quick start would create an infinite loading page.
    • Fixed visual bug with the 'No Routines' alert.
  • Very small update for today, but the next release is nearly ready for release and it brings some badly needed changes, can't wait to show it!
1.3.1 - Release 3 - Patch 1 - June 1, 2022
  • Features
    • You can now set autofill all sets of an exercise at once.
      • Simply swipe on the name of an exercise to bring up a Multi-Set Reuse menu. It works exactly the same as for single sets, but it will autofill all sets of that exercise.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed the history page displaying all workouts as “0min long”
    • Fixed issue where turning a workout with supersets into a preset resulted in the supersets becoming “undefined”
    • Fixed visual bugs with the notes field not displaying multi-line notes.
  • Misc
    • Changed all references of “autofill” to “set reuse” to more accurately describe what it is.
1.3.0 - Release 3 - May 31, 2022
  • Features
    • Set Autofill!
      • If you want to copy the data from your previous workout's set, you can now simply slide the set to the right to reveal an autofill menu.
      • This is customizable in settings for if you want the autofill to overwrite current data or not.
    • “Quick Start” button on the homepage
      • Allows you to jump into a workout without having to create a preset.
    • “Turn Into Preset” option for past workouts.
      • Allows you to create a reusable preset from any of your past workouts instead of having to make all of your presets beforehand.
1.2.2 - Release 2 - Patch 2 - May 29, 2022
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed crash when attempting to view settings of an exercise with no data.
    • Fixed count weight twice setting applying to all exercises instead of being exercise specific.
  • Misc
    • Moved the “Delete Exercise” button from the exercise view page to within an exercise's settings.
1.2.1 - Release 2 - Patch 1 - May 29, 2022
  • Features
    • New exercise settings menu located in the same place as exercise stats.
    • Option to count an exercise's weight twice in exercise stats
      • (for exercises where the weight you log is only one arm/leg's worth)
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed crash when deleting the last set of a superset
    • Fixed incorrect end time being entered when ending a workout while you still have empty fields.
    • Fixed flickering on the note field of a set.
    • Fixed notes field of a workout getting cut off after the first line.
  • Misc
    • Weight/rep targets now display fractions instead of decimals.
    • Many small visual tweaks/size adjustments.
1.2.0 - Release 2 - May 28, 2022
  • Features
    • View your past exercise data! Clicking on an exercise in the “Your Exercises” category will bring up a new menu that has multiple screens.
      • Overview: View a small amount of quick stats about that exercise, like your total sets/reps/weights done for that exercise.
      • Past Workouts: A detailed breakdown showing each set of each workout containing the exercise.
      • Graphs: Graphs showing your weights and reps for that exercise have changed over time.
    • Custom Themes. You can now choose the “Custom” option in the theme settings, which gives you the ability to customize each colour in the app.
      • Share your themes with others using the built-in “Share” and “Import” buttons
    • Settings toggle to choose between LBS and KG for your weight unit.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed crash when attempting to end a workout with a superset in it.
  • Misc
    • You can now delete entries in your exercise history if you misreported or just don't feel proud of one set.
1.1.3 - Release 1 - Patch 3 - May 25, 2022
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed issue where history entries were added oldest-first instead of newest-first,
    • Reformatted how exercise history is organized, this will make it much easier in the future to chart and organize.
1.1.2 - Release 1 - Patch 2 - May 25, 2022
  • Features
    • Gave all modals in the app pop-up animation, and the ability to swipe up or down to close them in addition to clicking on the background.
      • Doesn't include confirmation modals
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed crash when attempting to add to superset at the end of a workout
    • Fixed padding bug with StatDiffChips on the rep field
1.1.0 - Release 1 - May 24, 2022
  • We are live! (Well not really because this release was superseded before it ever got approved but still)
  • Features
    • Added creating, editing, and deleting routines
    • Added filling out, submitting, and viewing workouts
    • Added creating custom exercises
    • Given that this is the first release, it's somewhat barebones, but all of the internal code for many of the more advanced Features is already in, so it should be relatively simple to add them later.