Update 1.7.0

Release 7 - June 30

What's New

Editing Previous Workouts

Accidentally log the wrong number and don't want to ruin your beautiful progress graphs?

No longer do you have to delete that workout, delete all of the entries in exercises, and then write everything out again. Simply edit it in the history tab. Upon saving an edit, all data will be adjusted not just in the workout, but also in all of the exercise stats pages that correspond to that workout.

Uncollapsing Exercises

Upon saving an exercise, all collapsed exercises will be uncollpased when you go to view that workout in your history. This behaviour can be turned off with the "Stop Uncollapsing Exercises" setting.

Smarter Deleting

Starting today, when you delete and/or edit a previous workout from the history page, all data points in your exercise stats will now also be updated. Due to a lack of data in the previous exercises, this will only apply to new workouts/data that is created from the day of the update forward.

Advanced Settings

I created Liftris with the goal of being the most feature-rich and customizable workout logging app on iOS and Android. In fulfilling that goal, many challenges have arisen.

In making so many settings available to be changed, some may not know what many mean and will end up being overwhelmed with choice instead of helped by it. Because of this, I have moved many of the "power-user" settings to the new 'Advanced Settings' tab. It is closed by default, but a tap on the tab will open it up.

I found this to be the best balance of having as much customization as possible, while still ensuring that all of the most common settings are easily findable.


1.7.0 - Release 7 - June 30, 2022
  • We're back with the biggest update to Liftris since launch!
  • Features
    • Previous workouts are now editable.
      • Click on any workout in the history tab to open up it's view, then press the 'Edit' button to enter an editing menu.
      • Upon clicking save, the corresponding entries in your exercise stats will also be updated*.
      • *Due to lack of data, only exercise data entries created after the date of the update will be automatically updated.
    • Deleting a workout from history now also deletes the corresponding entries in your exercise stats.
      • Once again, only works automatically on workouts created after the date of the update.
    • Upon ending a workout, any collapsed exercises will be un-collapsed for the history entry of that workout.
      • You can change the behaviour of this with the 'Stop Uncollapsing Exercises' switch in Settings.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed crash when adding or changing an exercise mid-workout.
    • Fixed crash when attempting to change the current schedule day.
    • Schedule auto-advancing now works correctly again, this was broken in the last update.
    • Fixed text-clipping in the tutorial screen on 6.7" iPhones.
    • Image scaling on the tutorial screen now better changes with the device size/aspect ratio.
  • Misc
    • Added 'Advanced Settings' tab in the Settings menu.
      • This is for the settings that most people won't want to mess with, but that I am leaving accessible due to my desire for Liftris to be the most customizable workout app.
    • Renamed 'Highlight Color' to 'Secondary Color' in custom themes.
    • Optimized the settings page further.
      • Now only uses ~50% as much code.
    • Various typo/grammar corrections.